Alien: Covenant (Prometheus Sequel)

re: Paradise (Prometheus Sequel)

Perhaps the reason for our destruction, is we were the poorer or less evolved race amongst all of the different planets?!?! Or perhaps we are just one of several experiments that has came to the end of the road.
Or, and here is a long shot, prey like the aliens were for the predators?

All in all, if this is possible, it will mean, more cool alien races and more questions!!
re: Paradise (Prometheus Sequel)

If the black goop wasn't used for extermination, but for accelerated evolution, then David's interpretation of the jockeys going to Earth to exterminate us was wrong, based on his own desires to destroy his creators, or he just said that, as that was what he wanted the people to believe, so they'd be acting aggressive when confronting the jockey, thinking it wanted to kill them, instead of just evolving the experiment.

Through any apocalypse comes renewal. Like a purging fire giving rise to new life. The downfall of dinosaur rule gave way for mammals to become dominant and thus, allowing humans to evolve. Humans having several simian "cousins"... we are only one of several possibilities... we have kindness as well as cruelty within us... what if we had evolved from something similar to bonobos, rather than something similar to chimpanzees. Might have presented a wholly different kind of human being that was less malicious. And the Jockeys just felt we'd run our course in evolution and wanted to give the spot to another round of evolution to see if something better could evolve. Maybe they are looking for the perfect creation - devoid of evil and selfishness (all the bad parts of themselves as well).

The eggs bring destruction, the goop brings accelerated evolution.

So... David is really mean.
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re: Paradise (Prometheus Sequel)

Yeah. Most trillion dollar expeditions don't leave any records as to where their funds were going or where the ship was headed. And most scientists never ever publish their findings about their discoveries that were found on Earth. No. Let's keep it all a secret, go to that mysterious place where the origin of all human life might be, and hope to god nothing goes wrong because if it does, nobody back home will have any clue as to what we were doing in the first place.

The more we try to figure this movie out, the more stupid it gets.

The explanation to that all was in script revision #26 and was left on the cutting room floor.
re: Paradise (Prometheus Sequel)

Shaw and David go to the Engineers home world. They get their collective asses kicked. The Engineers are now really pissed that their offspring made it to their homeworld. Now thay are again dead set on destroying humanity. They send out another ship to LV 223 to collect some black goo and send it to Earth. Little does this lone Engineer know is that there is black goo and a hugger of some sort that Shaw and David brought with them unknowingly. The Engineer is attacked, impregnated and dies. The ship crash lands on LV 426. The new ALIEN mates with Shaw and lays eggs. Before Shaw dies, she sends out a warning signal.

Eh, the best I could do in five minutes of thinking about it....
re: Paradise (Prometheus Sequel)

I would settle for them starting to shoot the film and finishing it with the same script they started with.

Turn it up, thats the wish of every producer of every movie ever made, lots of dissapointed producers out there.


Dont like Prometheus? Please try and take the time to read the very first post.
re: Paradise (Prometheus Sequel)

I have become more convinced recently that a Prometheus sequel was in the cards at the start of the entire project. I have a feeling Ridley told Fox he would deliver a true ALIEN prequel with xenomprphs and chest bursters IF he could make a prologue film..Prometheus. It also goes a long was to explain how the studio would ever be ok with an ending that wasn't. Clearly more was already in the works.
re: Paradise (Prometheus Sequel)

"Just a heads up...this is not a thread for those who dont like or understand or even care about Prometheus, its for those who want to see more of them. A meeting will then be held in the phonebox at 55th and Madison. Just getting it in off the top."

- just saying.
re: Paradise (Prometheus Sequel)

Something has to happen to LV 223. It would explain why in Alien, the company has instructed Ash to get the lifeform no matter what. Something happens to LV 223 and this unknown wreckage on LV 426 that has gone unnoticed might be all that is left of the space-jockey-black-goo-creatures.

Nothing has to happen to it; it could be as simple as that Weyland is no longer able to get there. In 2000 years the Engineers have not chosen to restore this site, but that need not mean they do not monitor it. Perhaps it has a cordon around it, now.

Or, perhaps we're all barking up the wrong tree here. Perhaps by 2122 the site is thoroughly explored and progress is being made on understanding Engineer technology. And they find something that points them in the general direction of LV 426, and a different strain of bioweapon; one that is more desirable because it was designed by a Swiss madman and looks far cooler. :lol
Re: Paradise (Prometheus Sequel)

No, but Fox and an large element of fandom does, for what it's worth, and I would anticipate seeing more of those elements in a sequel.
Well, after Ridley included the strange xenomorph at the end of Prometheus I can't see any way out of eventually showing or using them in the plot. But, it was completely unnecessary in the first place. Though... something has to come back to Weyland company regarding these things, so they set out their search feelers to try to locate it - and that would mean the info they get is about what it was, but that the sites they found it at are now destroyed or inaccessible.

Maybe Shaw or even David convinces the Jockeys to let us be in return of not seeking out the Jockeys or their tech again. But the company pulls it out of David against his will and don't honor the agreement those two made with the Jockeys - only honoring it on the surface.
Re: Paradise (Prometheus Sequel)

It would strengthen the sympathy towards David's distaste of humans if he was forced to share the information against his will. However, the twist could also be that Weyland company has loads of androids feeling like David so he shares willingly and they write in sub-routines to go collect the Jockey tech so they can wipe out humans and be rulers of the world.
Re: Paradise (Prometheus Sequel)

I would like to see where this goes. I am glad that Alien is a completely unrelated set of events and that this story goes in its own direction.
Re: Paradise (Prometheus Sequel)

I certainly welcome another go round of Ridley in space. I also hope this helps charge a new generation of film makers to make more science fiction films.
Re: Paradise (Prometheus Sequel)

Ditto Noeland and Production companies willing to finance them.

Id like to see more of Vickers and not just for selfish reasons, small role but big impact, who knew Wayland had a daughter? Is she a "God damned robot"? Did she die?
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