Best chrome spray paint? Lowes/Walmart/Autozone

here is the rustoleum chrome in a can.


With Future Floor Wax, the trick I've heard is to first mist it on and let that seal and then do a second spraying. The misting layer should protect the chrome paint from reacting to the solvents of the clear coat and thus turning grey.

Mind you, I have not had time to test it yet, but there were pictures shown off on endobuilders of someone having used this method and the results were promising from what I could tell.

That sounds like a great idea! I would think that would work for other clear coats as well. It makes since.
the quick and easy (rattle-can) chrome on resin parts:

basecoat (no primer needed) with Krylon Fusion, then top coat with Krylon Premium Silver Foil. Don't clear coat chrome paint as it dulls it, and never bake a finish on resin parts unless you know the resin can take the heat (most casting resins warp at 120°F)

Ok, I need a bit of help guys. I bought a can of the Rustoleam Chrome from Wally World and did several light coats over bare plastic, black primer, and another paint as a base AND after 2 weeks it goes back and forth from tacky-ish to being able to lightly finger print it... I haven't sealed it as it's on a test model. What am I doing wrong or what advice do you all have?
Thanks guys,
If it's tacky all over there was something wrong with the paint, or the application. If it's in certain spots it is reacting with something underneath.

Again, heat works to cure it, but not more than the piece can take. Maybe put it in the sun.
I really like the paint I used on my Rocketeer jetpack. It's called "Sterling silver" by a brand called Champion Sprayon. Found it at AC Moore. Gives a true mirror-like finish when you lay down the paint heavy, looks most reflective on curved surfaces. I extracted it from the can so I can use it in my airbrush for better control and application. Only downfall is it takes a while to cure to the point where it won't take finger prints.
the best aerosol chrome spray out there!!
try and find right now,ive heard that they are out of business!?
Wow, turns out Rustoleum's Brilliant Chrome is... well, extremely easy to overspray.

Maybe the 6th time to sand and paint will be the charm :lol

Hey guys, sorry for necro posting but I need some advice. I'm painting up an IM faceplate using Dupli Color Chrome and I've read it's really delicate and never really dries, no matter how light the coating and cure time.

I had hoped to clear coat it but I've read it ruins the chrome and turns it grey, but I've read a few cases where folks said they lightly dusted their kits with clear coat with minimal distortion and were then able to apply thicker coats of clear without greying the chrome.

Has anyone used this paint before, and if so, what were your results? I'm trying to decide if I should just go buy another paint but I really would like to use the DC chrome as it's beautiful. If I can't handle it though it defeats the purpose as I still have to add more detail to the faceplate after chroming it and if it never cures that's a deal breaker.

Thoughts, oh wise RPF experts?
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