2011 Red Y-Wing: Build Thread™

Jamie, it's SUCH a work of art, it's insane. I'm waiting on the last batch of parts to arrive, so I can catalog and do the checklist... it's really well engineered. Simply stunning.

It really is Jason. Post more pictures!!

My personal contributions are much more geared towards the gold versions. But i think we can all look at this final product and remember talking about specific areas or details amongst our group.

I've been out of the loop for a bit due to personal reasons, but I'm feeling better about life in general and seeing this finally happen puts a big smile on my face.

I hope we can pull off the rest of our projects! :)
......and of course, people can always make a bigger hole if they want to use a thicker pipe.

Heh..... Jason said "thicker pipe"...... :lol

Anyways, from this photo it looks like a mix of (solid) copper wire and that plastic coated Plastruct stuff......




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Sweet! That's the TIE Killer Y-Wing, and you can see some greeblies have dropped off!

Nice to see they used the ABS T-rod too. I though someone said they used some vintage brass version? I never was able to find any in brass...

Looks like no pressure Jason! :)

Congratulations on knocking it out of the park with complete accuracy on this to all you guys involved for the past 13 years since its inception! What and accomplishment.
That's one badass picture of the ILM bird!

Darkside72, I'm actually looking forward to the Gold version more than the jammer.

The Jammer from what I can see looks really, really awesome. I'm on the list for it but I'd honestly rather have the Gold Leader. I'm just not really into the Red Jammer.

Jason... Im thinking thats not TIE Killa...could be pyro .....the top wing details (kettenkrad brackets) are backwards matching all the reference of the Pyro castings and the other hero Y versions I have.. it also looks like an entire casting... the hero model reference we have for TIE killa shows it detailed differently. Gold leader also shares upper wing detail simular to the Red jammer...not the other hero models.. weird.

The owner of the orginal TIE Killa aka Gold Leader 100% says the T rod on the hero model he helped make for Star Wars is Brass Beam that was used on model rail road track and was cut down. He says it is metal. Said they spent alot of time "milling" the edge down as the ABS T would not withstand the heat of the lights... He directed me to a photo (you also have) that shows the uneven cut edge.. Guys all i can say is what he passed on.... Ohh the mysterys... anyhow... its an awsome photo..thanks Gene... but I still think Red Jammer was piped with green colored wire. The ref pics we have show it pretty clear..

Well.. after further review the MOM Y wing definately looks like it used ABS T... I can see the injection marks (lil circles) on the top edge of the T.... these injection marks are not found on the Gold Leader reference. You guys know this picture?


Doesnt look like ABS here... maybe Gold Leader was one of the first made and they used the rail road Rail brass... man to have been a fly onthe wall back in 76....

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RE: the photo I just posted - I'll look through a couple of photos of known pyro Y-wings (any shots you see of it hanging from monofilament - that's a pyro ship), but I don't think this is a pyro ship. There is far too much custom detail for what I would consider something that is going to be expendable.

Also, based on what else is on the same roll of negative (lens tests and some shots of the electronic control system for the Dflex being built), I think this is fairly early on in the process - too early for them to be building individual ships for pyro shots.


PS - can someone point me to a FAQ on "TIE Killer" and "Red Jammer" and all that nomenclature? They all just look like Y-wings to me....
Gene... check out the original Red Y wing kit thread.. it shows all the Identified Hero y wings used in ANH. Y's are all simular but all detail different.. For example.. Gold Leader (TIE Killer) shares details simular to Red Jammer. The MOM Tour Y Wing shares details with a version called "Tiger Sprocket" these details are like upper wing details and two piece cockpit details... whereas Red Jammer and Gold leader share a single cockpit frame.... and simular upper wing detail. Yeah FAQ.. theres about 15 years of research into all of these... we'll do our best to outline the differences when we tackle the next Y kit....

As far as the picture goes who knows.. but for sure its NOT Gold leader or MOM tour Y or the Tiger Sprocket Y. Could it be the Triangles Y? Triangles Y is named for four triangle markings on Leggs eggs... Thats where my money is.....

The MOM Y is in the foreground... notice the end of the canopy...there is a separte piece that makes up the nose of the canopy. Triangles Y does not have this so is simular to Gold Leader. Crazy right?

Dazzle us folks with more pics.. now back to the Red Jammer build thread! Sorry Jason!

Steve, the piping, especially behind the Lunar lander bit, matches the TIE killer, to my eye... Hmmmm

Wish we had more pics of the Registration Marks Y-wing. I have the vintage dry transfer for the "triangles"
Look closer... its close but not the same.. look at the upper wing detail in the reference I sent you for Gold leader.. compare it part for part... hate to say... not it. I'm thinking it is a hero..... as most Pyro's had one mounting point (nose) for painting then they were hung with wire. this one is mounted from the bottom. It's gotta be Triangles baby! Gene has done it again...

Yeah Steve is spot on, its NOT the TIE killer. Plumbing is different, and, there are several donors missing to be the killer, most apparent is a 1/12 Tamiya steering hub in the upper hull midriff, that isnt fitted to Gene's Y pic.

Id have to say, again with Steve, could well be "triangles".

Hell, yeah i see what you mean Steve, the wing surfaces are way different to the killer too.
Man, i need more Y ref.

That's the Bill George Y-Wing, built when he was a fan, before ILM hired him. It was eventually drafted into service for ROTJ I believe... and is now part of the archives. back when we did the Y-Wing archive visit/reference session, they wheeled this one out to us, and we said "uhhh no - that ain't waht we need"

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