Batman from Cardboard, Foam, Duct tape and anything else I can find LOTS OF PICS


Active Member
First: Ive never done anything like this before so dont laugh.

Second: All credit goes to the fine efforts of Omel and Chimmera30 Anything that is broken or screwed up is totally my fault.

After wandering around through a couple of different ideas and a couple of hundred threads I finally decided that I wanted to do a Batman costume. As I said before Ive never done anything like this but you guys... you people make it look so easy... alas. It is not. But here's what Ive done.

So, I could only find one pep of Batman's cowl and I didnt care for it so I decided to create my own. I used closeups of a fantastic Dark Knight model/toy found here The Dark Knight | The Pop Culture Junkie. This is what I came up with:











To this point it's all cardboard and duct tape. I looked at Omel's cowl and never could get my head around how it was made so I riffed my own idea. I have since learned the secret of plastic bags and duct tape.

Really doesnt look awful so far... so here is where I start to go wrong:



That is thin craft foam.


Now I'm pretty unhappy with the cowl so I've put that aside and started work on the rest. I didnt take a lot of process pics for these, pretty basic draw, cut, and paste work.


Did this work last night.


From the top. Thats camping mat foam for the pecs. Got two roles from WalMart for 6 and change a piece.


And this is what I'm working on now.
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The cowl, btw, took a long time. 6 to 8 hours would be my guess but that may be high. I have to squeeze this in between everything else I have going on so it's 5 min here, half an hour there, so it's hard to keep track.
hiya writefast....great to see that my diy budget build tdk has inspired someone to begin his own suit, there are lots of templates for foam bats here on RPF contributed by great members, also on BOTB ( and The Cave ( this kind of build really is a hit and miss method, dont be discouraged, attitude is all thats needed, looking good so far, keep it up and keep everyone posted.

hers is a link for a batman duct tape you might find helpful, saw this after i made my first cowl ( would have helped lessen my hit and miss with the first attempt. lol)
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Hey Omel, thanks for the kind words. Love your work.

Yeah, I came across the same instructable after I had already finished board work on the cowl. At the same time I also came across this work of art Batman Cowl . I wish I had found it earlier as the style would have suited the hard lines on my cardboard build perfectly. Could have gone with a Batman: Animated style costume from there. Ah well. Perhaps next time.
Slight enhancement to the chest.


I should say that I used a pattern to get the basics on the chest and abs. I have hunted all over but have yet to find the creator. I know I DL'd from a link on this board but I cant find the d* thing. To the creator of that pattern: Thanks in abstentia!
Lookin great! I am just about done my Dark Knight suit. I really like your chest piece! I have gone through about 5 versions and still can't get one I like. How did you get the bottom bits to form like that? That is just what I need!
Hey thanks Egon! The bottom of the chest is just craft foam cut to fit. It's so flexible that it molded naturally, making that nice sort of smooth valley you see running under the pecs. All I did was run a bead of hot glue just below the camping foam, attached the craft foam and that was it.
That is really coming together. It never ceases to amaze me what some common items can be used for with someone who has imagination and talent.
Ohh, when I tried the craft foam it was not sturdy enough for the tension i put on it = /. I tried two brands, foamies and Foam Zone. The Foam Zone seems to be better in my opinion. Looks like you are using a couple different types of foam as well.

I would love to see pictures of the back of the chest piece and how it all attaches when that time comes!
Bandit-Jedi thanks man but I assure you I have neither. I do however have internet ;)

Egon, I'll show you the pics but all you're going to see is wide strips of duct tape! I'm not sure what my plans are for the back as yet. Playing very much by ear at this point. Also, I am using two diff types of foam, thick camping mat and thin craft foam. Haven't had trouble with either tearing but then I haven't put them under a tremendous amount of stress.
Wonderful! I thought that looked familiar, but I didn't want to assume.

I have been trying to get the shoulder bell template up, but I haven't had time. I will say that making the second piece that fits under the bell attached to the tricep armor will probably give better movement in the arms..
those bells are looking good:thumbsup, yep i agree w/ egon,the tricep piece and the part that attaches to the initial bell should be separate for better mobility, prolly attach them by elastic straps . thats the mistake i did, my bells and tricep piece are all attached to each other:thumbsdown, will be re-doing it after halloween ( i doubt i can fix it before that)
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