Daft Punk Guy Helmet: Final p.16, TRON p.20

Re: Daft Punk Helmet Build

Truly amazing peice of work, I just joined the forum and this was the first build I stumbled upon !!

What a Discovery (pun intended :rolleyes)
Re: Daft Punk Helmet Build

One thing about the color bars, you can see here in this image. The front ends all diffuse white regardless of the color of the bars.


Adding to this, even though I know it's a bit late. I think part of the cause of discrepency of minute details is because somewhere along the line they we're completely re-built from the Discovery helmets. The discovery-era helmets have amazing effects, but the sculpt of Guy's helmet is pretty poor. The ear pucks look warped, and for much of thier use Guy never had the back piece attatched. In this video from the Japan video, you can really see the difference in the old helmet.

Another curiousity is that black rubber seal that randomly pops up around thier visors.... It must be some kind of water-resistant rubber seal? I know it's been talked about before.

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Re: Daft Punk Helmet Build

One thing about the color bars, you can see here in this image. The front ends all diffuse white regardless of the color of the bars.

Another curiousity is that black rubber seal that randomly pops up around thier visors.... It must be some kind of water-resistant rubber seal? I know it's been talked about before.

The rubber seal and removable backpiece is part of the Discovery-era helmets. This build is more of an amalgamation of the various forms, and that part got left out.

As for the colorbars ending in white diffused panels, I decided against doing that for a variety of reasons. Primary among them was that these would shine very brightly into the wearer's eyes and make it difficult to see out of when the lighting effects were going on.

The second reason is that these would introduce light into the interior of the helmet, possibly illuminating the wearer's face and ruining the black dome effect. There are slight white lines as more of an homage to this look at the end of the colorbars, but they're not nearly as large as in that screencap you posted.

Another vid to show what I mean:

Re: Daft Punk Helmet Build

Right, I wasen't saying you should have changed/added those features, just putting some of the pics out in the thread. This helmet and it's various forms is a neverending curiosity for me.

The lights look great, and I could clearly see the thin white lines. One thing I AM curious about if you will add though... one of his most frequent effects is the two green LED 'eyes'.

More resources in case anyone else attempts making it.... extremely good video from Electroma which has several up close pans around the helmet at the beginning. (Look at all that dust! :cry )

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Re: Daft Punk Helmet Build

The lights look great, and I could clearly see the thin white lines. One thing I AM curious about if you will add though... one of his most frequent effects is the two green LED 'eyes'.

My client voted "no" on the eyes, so they're staying out.
Re: Daft Punk Helmet Build

I don't see why you wouldn't want the option, unless it costs an arm and a leg extra to put two green LED's in. IMO it's one of his trademark's and you might want it later on.
Re: Daft Punk Helmet Build

I don't see why you wouldn't want the option, unless it costs an arm and a leg extra to put two green LED's in. IMO it's one of his trademark's and you might want it later on.

...because that's not what his client wants. This is a commission, so what the client says goes. If the client says he wants the helmet to have a red afro and a clown nose, Volpin would give it to him. And I'm sure it would be the best looking Daft Punk-Clown hybrid the world has ever seen!

Anyone want to photoshop that idea up? haha

Anyhoo, great work as always, Volpin. As a fan of Daft Punk, I am in awe of your work, not just in terms of accuracy but in terms of the ambition of the project as a whole. Keep it up!

Re: Daft Punk Helmet Build

...because that's not what his client wants.

Right, and his client is the one who posted right above me which is who I was replying to. Unless it requires a great deal of work and or money I think it would be nice to have it there incase you want it later. I doubt it's something you'd want to wind up changing your mind about and having to go back to.
Re: Daft Punk Helmet Build

I think we get the point, Spike.

At this point I think Volpin just wants to get it done. If the client isn't going to nit pick about finer details and accuracies, then I don't think its anyone else job than Volpin's to do so when he is so close to being done. Hes obviously aware of all these details you are bringing up, and has made the conscious decision not to include them.

See you, space cowboy
Re: Daft Punk Helmet Build

I actually kind of like the eyes - it gives the helmet some personality, in my opinion.

That being said, this decisions was made months ago. If the eyes were to be added they would need their own dedicated channel on the arduino controller, with a switch to toggle them on and off as desired. The only non-animated channel I could tap these into at this point would be the LEDs in the lower portion of the ears, but those aren't switchable (not to mention, those channels are only meant to drive 2 LEDs, and adding a third one would screw up all my intricate electrical work!) Any additional switch or interface would have to be added into the helmet itself, and not the control box, which would just be a pain from the wearer's side of things.

Its really something that would have had to be planned in a while ago, and we're past the point of no return on it at this point. Adding them now would mean changing code, boards, the control box, etc etc etc - yes, there's a way to just hack them in there and make it work, but I'm sure as hell not going to half-ass anything at this point when I've worked so hard to get this bucket as perfect as I can make it.

Just to clarify: I'm not upset about you pushing the issue, Spike. By all means, discourse on the accuracy of this build (and really, all builds) should be encouraged. Its just that, at this point, there's not really a way to include them (even if my client wanted to) without some cobbled-together solution.
Re: Daft Punk Helmet Build

Wow great job on all the detail.
I was contacted to make a replacement face shield for them last year. This is the molds that were handed to me to vac-form. I think the finger and hand-back covers were for this group also.
Here are some pics...




Kevin W.
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