Deadpool costume need help

hellz manik

Well-Known Member
Does anyone know where I can get a solid deadpool costume? I went through some other website and man, they were simply horrible. Any advice would help, thank you
Well personally, I dig my Deadpool costume. I actually bought one of those cheap suits from China on Ebay and HEAVILY modified the mask. Then I custom built the sword sheaths, wrist and ankle wraps and boots. I also sculpted the buckle in sculpy and attached it to a military belt.


Well personally, I dig my Deadpool costume. I actually bought one of those cheap suits from China on Ebay and HEAVILY modified the mask. Then I custom built the sword sheaths, wrist and ankle wraps and boots. I also sculpted the buckle in sculpy and attached it to a military belt.



very nice
yah mike makes a wicked cool punisher, and i thinks hes moving into a differant hero soon!
and brad is the man with the plan with the body suits...
If you looking for more of a sculpted muscle suit I am doing one for someone right now based on this pic


And this is the work in progress, paint is not finished and pieces are not trimmed, padded or glued down.
Here are some mask test shots of my WIP deadpool costume. The suit has had significant work done on it since these pics were taken, I'll be posting a build thread soon.


If you looking for more of a sculpted muscle suit I am doing one for someone right now based on this pic


And this is the work in progress, paint is not finished and pieces are not trimmed, padded or glued down.

Holy Crap that's awesome!