Star Trek TOS Season 1 & 2 Tunic

One thing I can tell you is this is dead on to the Original Fabric,

From what I have seen yes it looks like it stepped off the set.

James supposedly has the templates from Bill Theiss for the Insigna as well as the braid.
I just got this work of art today From the Captain of Star Trek Phase II James Cawley......I had a little deal worked out with James from a while back and I am so happy with it! I can not get a picture to this tunic Justice, up until this point no one has got the fabric correct! this is dead on in every way.
James suggested I leave it a bit long in the sleeves and waist so I could have it custom fitted.....I am glad I listened as this way I can get just the right fit, for anyone on the fence with ANOVOS throw out the tunic you have now and Start saving your $$......this is the Ultimate for the Trek fan that wants as close to the real deal as you can get!!!
here are a few pix, but like I said you can not get a snap shot to even come close. on a scale of 1-10 I give this a 20!!!:love




Pictures are back! :thumbsup sorry! :$
One thing I can tell you is this is dead on to the Original Fabric, I think it was a mistake on my part to try to share it here as my camera will not take a decent photo!.........the Insignia IS In fact an Idealized version taken from an actual template Used by William such it has been cleaned up and the embroidery is far better than the Original, very clean and well made!!

Curious if the actual color of your shirt is "green" as Kirk's allegedly was (not speaking of the wrap around, but the actual black collared). This has been getting some disuccion on anlother forum. The green just photographed gold and "that was that"
The Tunic in this thread is Velour so it is not green.

The Third season Tunic which was nylon is green, avocado, it's been called different things :lol

Curious if the actual color of your shirt is "green" as Kirk's allegedly was (not speaking of the wrap around, but the actual black collared). This has been getting some disuccion on anlother forum. The green just photographed gold and "that was that"
this just doesn't look "right" to me.The fabric looks too polyester and the insignia though "cleaner" looks like he used pleather as the main part which looks wrong. IMHO
This has been discussed ad nauseum over at the Phase II forums.
It won't "look right" unless it's lit by the same colour studio lights as TOS. Due to the nature of the fabric it will look a different colour in daylight, or when photographed, and even that will vary depending on the medium used (type of film, or modern digital). All who have seen the real fabric say it even looks diffrent to the eye than what appears on film.

Bottom line: It's a greenish gold that changes depending on the light. James Cawley worked with Bill Theis(Sp?) and knows/has the exact fabrics used and the original dye recipies.
:lol If you think the insignia looks like pleather , I would love to see what you would think of the Screen-Used originals! :lol

I hear what you're saying though.

The Velour looks dead-on to me and I have examined a few velour Tunics in my day.

I'll know for sure when I get mine from Anovos.

this just doesn't look "right" to me.The fabric looks too polyester and the insignia though "cleaner" looks like he used pleather as the main part which looks wrong. IMHO
Curious if the actual color of your shirt is "green" as Kirk's allegedly was (not speaking of the wrap around, but the actual black collared). This has been getting some disuccion on anlother forum. The green just photographed gold and "that was that"

season 3 was Green! seasons 1 and 2 were more of a dark Mustard with a very slight green tone in certain light.
The Tunic in this thread is Velour so it is not green.

The Third season Tunic which was nylon is green, avocado, it's been called different things :lol

sorry bro beat me to it!!! :lol should have read all of the posts....I have seen a couple of screen used season one tunics and this fabric is dead on in every way!! no if ands or butts!! none of that thick blanlet velour here! :lol and the sparkel can be seen in a few episodes....I don't have the blue ray but I bet you can really see it there......Amok Time.....look at the close ups of spock! can see the the sparkle in the pants it is really hard to see on screen!