Sealing rub & buff?


New Member
So, I am relatively new to world of prop making. I have been making "stuff" forever and I used to work in theatre as a stage hand and set designer/builder but recently I have become enamoured with the idea of prop making. I have a question for those more experienced (that's ya'll).

I love the weathered metallic effect produced by using rub & buff. I am playing around with some models and I was wondering, with r&b being wax bases, it has to eventually fade, right? Can you seal over it with some sort of clear to make it last longer and not lose the metallic effect?
I use Rub and Buff. I really love the stuff. (sounds like I'm starting a dirty limerick) In all honesty, I don't seal it. I've used it mostly to simulate scratches and exposed metal areas, but I usually wait until after I've sealed everything else. I can get away with it, I think, because I don't handle my finished models very much once they go on the display shelf. Haven't noticed much fading/
Hunk a junk really likes to use rubb and buff
He uses it to make scratches n' stuff
He said with a grin
As he colored damage in
"I don't seal it, it looks good enough!"

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