Question about con's and portraying


New Member
Okay so this might be a stupid question but for a con coming up I am going to portray Commissioner Gordon. For this I have an ID badge and a Gotham City Police badge, a friend of mine said I will be 'impersonating a Police officer' So I figured to ask around and see what opinions/facts are on this subject.
negative - unless somewhere in the United States there is a city called Gotham.

Furthermore - the way those laws are written - you are only impersonating a police officer if you are trying to pass yourself off as one. Unless you are going to start trying to seriously arrest people, or try to get any sort of special treatment by claiming to be an actual police officer, you are perfectly safe to wear the costume.

There may be some raised eyebrows if you tried this in your hometown just randomly - but its a con - costumes are expected.
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