Planet Terror/Cherry Darling Costume Help


New Member
I've been working on a Cherry Darling (from Planet Terror) and just wanted to see if anyone had any input/advice if they've done the costume before. Oddly enough the gun leg is the least of my worries- I've got that part figured out but I need help with some of the clothing items. I want to do the outfit that she wears in the hospital. She's wearing a sort of mini corset type thing and I have no idea what it's called to even look it up >.< The other thing I'm having trouble with is the jacket. I don't want to spend a lot of money so I want to find something similar enough but not necessarily real leather or anything. Any advice you guys could give me would be awesome!
Here are the 2 pics I've been using as a reference:
It looks like a halter style bustier.

You might be able to find a similar styled jacket in cordura. Check the usual places, Ebay, Craig's List.
Hey thanks! I will look into this cordura. I've been looking for corsets or bustiers but they seem to usually be full length so I'm wondering if I should just get a regular one an amputate it. I just wasn't sure if there was a specific term for the cropped version of a corset.
No specific term that I know. A search for "crop bustiers" would be more specific, though. If you can't find one in that fabric, and have to re-cover, it looks like quilted fabric that can be purchased at Joann's.

You'll probably have an easier time finding a close, enough jacket.
Ah yea- that's a good idea- I've found things similar to the style of the top but nothing in red so covering one might be the best option. Thank you!
Haha- No I plan on keeping my limbs intact...=] I did a really make-shift version of this costume when the movie first came out and what we did for the leg worked out pretty well I thought. I already had a plastic rifle from another costume that split in half when you took out the screws. Then we used a dremel to make little slots on the sides and put elastic bands through them. It doesn't look right from the front so you just have to make sure you turn your leg sideways for pics.
Yes! One of the girls in your halloween costume pictures did exactly what I'm going to do- she even did the same top! =] I think the girls that did the binding the foot to the thigh thing look totally awesome but I don't know if I could walk around at a con all day like that
Does anyone have a decent picture of Cherry's left boot? I just realized it has all these chains on it but so far I can't find a clear enough pic to tell what's going on exactly.....
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