Master Replicas Snow Speeder

I was wondering why this did not make this studio scale? I is a very detailed and well done replica and I do like it but I was wondering the reason behind now making it studio scale. Here are some pics and a video review with up close shots.

The added expense for that extra volume (product, case, shipping) would have made the product cost-prohibitive. It was decided that not enough people would have bought it for the price it would have had to sell for.
^ agreed - they wanted to save money - or they couldn't see people spending the money for a full sized SS model.

Most likely they figured that most people wouldn't notice anyways.
Well. Of course, people would notice. :lol

Jason is correct, we ran the numbers for making it 1:1 scale at 23 inches long and the added volume (while it doesn't seem like a lot) was substantial. Most people wouldn't have the room to display it.

The retail price would also have been $200 to $300 more. We didn't feel that was a viable trade-off... especially since the Y-Wing was going to soon follow the speeder at at retail of $750. And of course, the uber-expensive At-At and Falcon replicas were coming as well.

We didn't want too many, very-expensive models ganged up.

It can be a great product, but if only a few people buy it, you have failed.

Make sense?

^ agreed - they wanted to save money - or they couldn't see people spending the money for a full sized SS model.

Most likely they figured that most people wouldn't notice anyways.
Beautiful replica, I have one and llove it.

Is it just me or the one pictured had some dull coat applied to it, all the ones I've seen including my Mr At-At have a slight luster, I'm planning to dull coat them, I really like the one pictures it looks completely dull.

Myself, I didn't even CONSIDER it because of the SS issue. If my way of thinking is in the minority among the customer base, well, it's my cross to bear. ;)
The added expense for that extra volume (product, case, shipping) would have made the product cost-prohibitive. It was decided that not enough people would have bought it for the price it would have had to sell for.

Jason is right the case for a SS-47 is real big!! It's
really a deceiving little model at 23 inches it doesn't
seem that big. But it has a lot of meat to it because
it gets real wide in the back, and down the sides! I
made my own case, I had the acrylic cut and I glued it
together all for $75 dollars!! But I didn't end up with the
nice rolled edges that come with the MR stuff. I priced having
the place do it for me it was expensive, so I can see where
this would have added a lot to the final price tag even more.


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