Master Replicas Falcon info collecting

remember that the port that holds the Falcon is tilted... so if you want to display it in any other position you'll need some sort of setup that can tilt... also remember that its just gravity holding it in... so if you tilt too far in the wrong direction it "could" slip off - but you'd have to go pretty far to the right ;) But it "is possible. Making it "level" should not be an issue... I've not tried to see how far it "could go"... pretty far, but just wanted to bring it up in case you're planning something whacky :) Hate to see a catastrophe...

Jedi Dade

I appreciate the tip. Looks like wall mounting is out the question then:lol
I had the same idea, and mate a solid support for it,
but it was too tricky to hang on the wall without the Falcon being attached solidly to that support.
there still was the chance it would rotate and fall off :(

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