I met Karl Urban

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Active Member
Greetings to all the talented prop makers who I have purchased Items on here,

Tuesday night me and my girl went to the NYC world Premier of Dredd 3d. I will not post spoilers, however I would like to tell all of you a story. First off the movie was great. Best use of 3d since Avatar. The producers did not hold back on the violence. So we go to the after party and I walk up to Karl Urban and he says no photos or interviews. I then hand him my I phone and say, Karl never judge a book by it's cover. He then takes the Phone and sees Matsuo's Lawgiver from 95 and is blown away. He starts going through the phone and sees My Blade Runner gun and poster and then proceeds to act like a kid in a candy store. He then says to his entourage that he wants to talk privately away from everyone. We then talk about Priest and Lord of the Rings and props and how he says that you have all the toys, you collection is a shadow of mine. He sees Rylo's Cryo Can and Hydin's superman crystals and is very excited. So the ten minuets breeze by and he then stands up and says, Chris is the only person I am taking a picture with tonight. I just wanted to say thank you my fellow members and your art for making my night unforgettable. Your hard work and beautiful props were able to make me meet an actor who I admire and who respects and loves YOUR work.

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