Help convince my buddy to join the RPF


Sr Member
So my good friend and online squad mate in Battlefield Bad Company 2 decided to pick up sculpting classes recently. Mind you he's brand spanking new to the whole sculpting scene but I think there's some hidden talent in there!

Here are a couple of his sculpts that he's made thus far:


Super batman

I think he could learn a lot from this great community but for some reason he's a little apprehensive about joining.

Help me convince him!
I think his work is good and he should join.

I hope you got his permission before you posted his work online. I mean if he's uncomfortable about his progress he might not apprciate you posting his work to the world.

I say that because I am very sensitive about what work I post and don't post.

The work is very good, and I hope he continues to sculpt either way.
Tell him he will be helping himself immensely. With the top talent we have in our community he could learn SO much!
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