foam issues please help


Active Member
im currently working on my IM costume out of 6mm eva foam, im struggling to use if for the fact that its always flexing and wont shape it the way i want it to shape, especially if i cut 45degree angles to angle it. what should i do? should i change the thickness to a thicker or thinner piece or should i change to a different brand?

please help
im not using it at the moment, what im trying to say is that the foam its not shaping the way i want it too, maybe because its too thick or maybe its the diamond plated on one side. im not sure but everything im trying isnt working, using paper was alot easier than this
What part are you working on currently? If it's not bending or flexing enough then definitely hit it with the heat gun and then form it around something. Your leg, a chair, a door frame, whatever is the right size and shape.
yea ill give it a try again, another issue is that i cant get the defined sharp edges, maybe its a common thing but its always rounded... btw sorry if im not making any sense here ive been up all night working on the suit
change blades frequently when using EVA foam. It will give you the crisp cut you're looking for. Otherwise, using a dull blade is doing nothing but ripping the foam.
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