Custom Facial Armor (For Medical Reason)


New Member
Hello all, I’ve always been a tremendous fan of cosplay and production costume design, and I have a emergency situation that I’m seeking help on.

I was in an accident many years ago that caused extreme damage to my nasal area, and though I’ve had surgery to try and restore a normal appearance, my appearance is still quite extreme - I get comments and stares wherever I go, and despite my extremely outgoing and condident personality, I haven’t had a date in 10 years - literally 1,000 potential dates have told me my nasal area is too distracting.

It is getting to the point that I’m becoming suicidal, and even therapists have agreed that it’s a physical issue that other people do have an extreme problem with, and I’ve been recommended to get a medical cover or prosthesis for the area.

However, these look fake and awful, and won’t change the situation much. Being such a fan of RPG’s, cosplay, and theatrical attire, I’ve decided that I’d rather get something that fits my personality - after all, I’m a very young adult who operates my own financial business and I think I could rock something unique!

I am thinking about a beak-like armor-inspired piece to cover the nasal area (possibly attached to glasses) where the design is so cool that people would literally stop and stare IN A GOOD WAY at the sheer craftmanship. Somewhat a beak-like piece that is layers of metal (armor-inspired, very Elder Scrolls/FFX-12/Lord Of The Rings) but also slightly inspired by goblin armor and the plague-doctor/Comedia Del’Arte type beak.

Preferrably black metal with minor grey/natural metal brushed finish! And I do have the design sort of mapped out in my head.

BUT the problem is WHERE IN THE WORLD or WHO IN THE WORLD do I turn to for help? Especially hoping this could be partially a humane-and-friendship based project where I try to fund the materials but hoping some of the craftmanship could be a fun, get-to-know-someone budget-friendly process?

Also open to other materials like learher and such, but metal would be SO COOL and I want to stand out.

But does anyone have any resources or would want to help? So many thankyou’s and contagious blessings!
I can't help, that's totally outside of my area of expertise, but I just want to say "good luck" and I hope you're able to get something together that suits you. Sounds like a cool project. Oh, and welcome to the forums!

Edit: You might want to rethink having it done in metal. I had some aluminum eyeglass frames, which you'd think would weigh next to nothing, but when you're wearing metal on your face all day it gets really heavy and uncomfortable. Painful, actually.
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Have the mods move this as this is the wrong place for this.

I hope you find what you are looking for and good luck!
Thanks for the words and advice! That’s one thing I’ve had some considerations about, how any metalworks except the absolute thinnest of metallic layers may be too heavy, and may even be too weighted even then.

Am very open to foam material, plastic, rubber, or others - hoping the most for a metallic sheen if possible, but a pitch-black piece if not. In a dream world, I hope to gain a fang-based grill for my teeth later on (I’m VERY blingy despite being a nerd - Marilyn Manson’s custom jewelry is a huge influence of mine) and some slightly Medievil finger-rings and ear-piercings to complete the look. And growing out my mohawk as we speak!

I go to a lot of extreme metal and rock concerts where my wished look would fit right in (ex. Dani Filth of the band Cradle of Filth). Plus, I have the personality to pull off such a vibe.

Just.. at the moment it seems more like a dream than a reality. Wish I knew someone in my town who was very artistic at cosplay! But I have a feeling this forum may be able to help me in any way possible.

Thanks everyone who has supportive words! I also am a screenwriter/used-to-be-actor who hopes to equally meet someone who can design a similiar mask made for a production I’m intent on creating/leading in. I sure af don’t want my facial disabilities holding me back!

Big thanks to any resources that may pop up!
Tycho Brahe had a silver nose after he lost one in a duel, so I don't think metal is necessarily out of the question.

Honestly, I'd reach out to Ugo Serrano... He's done work on films like Chronicles of Riddick and others. I think his design aesthetic might fit well with what you are looking for. That, and he's an awesome guy who's into offbeat stuff.

Check out his website: Ugo Serrano – Designer & Artist (Some photos NSFW)

Best of luck!
This is not in my wheelhouse, unfortunately. But if you are ever feeling suicidal, please let me know. I'm a combat vet, and have seen and know plenty of people with physical disfigurement, and I'm ways willing to help. Even if it's just to listen.

You sound like a really cool dude. Where are you located? I'd be willing to bet there's some cosplayers in your area.

Post some of your design ideas and I'm sure you'll get some results.
Hmmm? A medical prosthetic sounds like the ticket, but you say the look fake? That is the place that I would start. It sounds to me that you need a facial scan for a good fit, and a 3D print for the mask itself. Do you have some sketches that you were considering?
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