Rocketeer pack build (UPDATE 07/02/2011)

Re: Rocketeer pack build

Could you share the type of materials you are using to build the pack?


Re: Rocketeer pack build

I thought some of you guys would like an update on my pack build, as you can see I have just started to sculpt the centre section, this is my first time working with clay so fingers crossed I can get it right.

Re: Rocketeer pack build

you know you recast that from an acme pack ;)

that is far one of the best scratch builds I have seen for the longest time!
Re: Rocketeer pack build

HaHa I think it would have been alot easier, If mine even looks half as good as the acme pack when finished I would be more than pleased. Thanks for your kind words mate It means alot coming from you
Re: Rocketeer pack build (UPDATE 24/4/2011)

Looking good! I am going to be needing one of these pretty soon.

Re: Rocketeer pack build (UPDATE 24/4/2011)

Does anyone know the best thing for smoothing klean klay, I've read that rubbing alcohol is okay?
Re: Rocketeer pack build (UPDATE 24/4/2011)

Wow, hikz - that's looking amazing!

It appears that on the schematics and the other replica above, the stips/vents on the bottoms of the cylinder run parallel to the ground (when the pack is standing up) rather than perpendicular to each cylinder as they are on your pack - which is correct?
Re: Rocketeer pack build (UPDATE 24/4/2011)

Love the pack. klean klay is a very soft clay it is mostly used for the mold making, you make the parting lines with it. I use it for sculpting as well, you can use hand lotion to smooth the clay. Also you can smooth the clay with panty hose and the hand lotion . Rubbing alcohol, mineral spirits breaks down the clay, so I use it last with a soft paint brush. Also feel free to ask mold question I have a mold making shop, mostly for fine art, props are just my hobby.
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Re: Rocketeer pack build (UPDATE 24/4/2011)

This is looking great ! Yu should make a Vacuformed version of this for us that can't shell out $1,000 for a pack. Would be nice and light too !

Re: Rocketeer pack build (UPDATE 24/4/2011)

Wow, hikz - that's looking amazing!

It appears that on the schematics and the other replica above, the stips/vents on the bottoms of the cylinder run parallel to the ground (when the pack is standing up) rather than perpendicular to each cylinder as they are on your pack - which is correct?

Yep this is one of the details that I couldn't achieve on the lathe, the vents on the cad drawing are as you say parallel to the ground when stood up which is how they are on the real pack

Thanks for the advice guys hopefully i'll get some more pictures taken this week of my progress

Re: Rocketeer pack build (UPDATE 24/4/2011)

That is coming out fantastic. Even your first one looks great much better than I could do.
Re: Rocketeer pack build (UPDATE 24/4/2011)

I got to see this in person at the weekend, I knew Jamie has been working on it but I have to say I was blown away with how it's coming together!

REALLY impressive.

Keep up the good work mate, it will look great when it's all finished and re-cast!
Re: Rocketeer pack build (UPDATE 07/02/11)

Its been awhile since I have posted any progress on the pack so I thought I'd let you guys know where I am with this. As you can see from the pictures the main shell is now ready for moulding. I have thought about doing this myself but being a complete novice at mould making I have decided to see if anybody would be willing to do this for me. I am in the UK so I am obviously asking only UK guys, so if someone is up for helping me that would be ace.

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