My First Prop. Xavier's School Plaque. Finished Pics Page 5.


Sr Member

My take on the Xavier's School Entrance Plaque. A friend of mine asked me to make him one, and so here's the first part of the process. There's more shots to come.

This one is 15" wide.

Thanks for looking.
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Re: My First Prop.

You should probably change the title of your thread to include X-Men in the title. There'e probably more X fans out there than Madrobot fans. :lol
Re: My First Prop. Xavier's School Plaque.

Thanks everyone.

It's already fallen into silicone, as the plaque will be transferred to wax, and then cast in bronze.
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Re: My First Prop. Xavier's School Plaque.

Awesome work. Do you plan on offering some of these up to the rest of us "Gifted Youngsters"?:love

Re: My First Prop. Xavier's School Plaque.

No. This was for a client. It's his perogative as to what he does with it when it's done. I'm just making the bronze for him.
Re: My First Prop. Xavier's School Plaque.


I'm sure my client will announce his agenda when the project is wrapped.
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