Moria Battle Dwarven Helmet

Matt Kaz

New Member
I'm currently studying Modelmaking at the AUB and have recently finished my second year.

One of the projects I did over the last summer, was make a replica helmet. Sadly I did all of this before joining, so I don't have any work in progress photos, however I will go over all of the materials used, like I did with the Targaryen shield.
I absolutely loved the armour from the first film, and had some spare time on my hands and some spare materials, so I decided to spend my time productively, and make a helmet.
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Re: Moria Battle Dwarven Helmet & Iron Hills Dwarven Helmet

Here is the finished helmet, at the time, I was done, however I recently came back and completely re-painted it when I started on the shoulder pads.helmet 2.jpghelmet 1.jpghelmet 3.jpghelmet 4.jpghelmet 5.jpghelmet 6.jpghelmet 7.jpghelmet 8.jpghelmet 9.jpg
The lights not great, funnily enough the finished paint job was more a blue tinted pewter colour. I was never happy with the finish, but it was achieved with a:
- Grey primer layer
- All over spray with some pewter coloured spray paint,
- And a rub down with some black ink to pick up the details.

I was simply trying to see if I could experiment without dry brushing.
Re: Moria Battle Dwarven Helmet & Iron Hills Dwarven Helmet

Not completely film accurate I know, but I always find its nice making stuff unique.

I had no access to my workshop at the time, so couldn't create it as professionally as I would usually have done. I started off with half a football for the hemisphere, and applied copious amounts of body filler and sanded the heck out of it. Usually it would have been a vacuum formed styrene hemisphere. The bits sticking up off the hemisphere are foam board, trimmed in styrene. However the Celtic knot style detail bits were done out of sheet wax, as you can get nice compound curves out of them.

And all of the face guard and bottom section was made completely out of 1 and 2mm thick styrene, and that's about it, I put a bit of padding on the inside, and old roll mat worked perfectly.
Re: Moria Battle Dwarven Helmet & Iron Hills Dwarven Helmet

Here's the finished re-paint. Dry-brushed it this time, and gave it more of a bronze tint. Much more happy with this finish,
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