Licensed Pulse Rifle pre-order

I e-mailed HCG with a question today and also finally purchased one of these. According to the reply it sounds like they are on the boat!:love
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Well, if they're on the boat that means a couple weeks until they take delivery... then a few days to get them sorted in the warehouse... so it looks like they might be on course for a mid-July shipping after all.

I just hope that Propstore are getting their stock directly from the factory so that it doesn't take yet more time to get them from there.

I e-mailed HCG with a question today and also finally purchased one of these. According to the reply it sounds like their on the boat!:love
My placeholder has decayed and fallen from the display spot on the wall. I may have to repaint to cover all the faded wall around where the placeholder was.. really...

Wonder if I should open this box... :D
Wohoo! Pulse Rifles in the summer sun!

I got confirmation from Propstore that they are indeed getting them directly from the factory.
Hmm, just noticed Propstore have raised their price to £895 ?
I pre-ordered at £695 (still showing in my cart) quite a price rise.
The one they have for sale for £895 is an ICONS. The HCG PR is sold out at propstore. They told me so in an e-mail. Glad I got my order in a loooong time ago.
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