"I'm gonna go get Big Baby"


New Member
Hey all, just wanted to share this WIP prop of Big Baby from Hellboy 2. Guill...Guili...Guilei... Del Toro is one of my favorite directors especially when it comes to the really fantasy stuff and the Hellboy series is some of his best work. Probably will attempt the Samaratin at some point but Big Baby was a good deal easier.

A few questions tho. Anyone know where I can get some good quality BPRD stickers for the stock?

Speaking of the stock, and the base of the gun anyone have any great ideas on what to make the stock out of, what the make the base out of and how to attach the two together?

Ok wow I just realized I don't have any good pictures of the work so far, just some stuff I took at the beginning. I swear it looks better now, I'll have to get some more pics when I get home and upload them later. I have the barrel assembly fully made and primed, just needs paint and a base to attach it to. I made the whole thing out of PVC so it's going to have some weight completed so I'll need a suitably strong material for the stock/baseplate.
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Good too see another Hellboy project! (They are few and far between these days... sometime I feel like I'm one of the few torch-bearers left and I just finished my latest Kroenen piece. Gotta get back to my Kraus and Rasputin Mechaglove projects!)

You're off to a good start. Your BB will certainly weigh a lot less than the licensed one, which I can barely lift! (I really wish Sideshow had chosen something other than polystone for it... heck, even FOAM would have been better 'cause it's worthless for trooping with.)

If you do a search, there was a thread a while back on the baby. Adam Savage (also a big fan of Red) posted a VERY nice decal for the stock that everyone could use.

I think lots of folks were talking about using a Winchester replica or something as a base... even though it will not be accurate. The shape isn't THAT complex, why not scratch-build out of stytene?
Thanks dude, I going to try to get more work done on it tomorrow so I can show some of the better photos. I have the entire barrel assembly build and primed just need to get the painting done. I've never worked with stytene, is it strong enough to support the weight?
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