I wanted the blade that Cameron used in the last episode of T:TSCC. Did I succeed?


Sr Member
I wanted to find/have the blade that Cameron used in the last episode of T:TSCC (season2) seen below:





I think I did pretty good based on the screen capture. Do you agree?
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Re: I wanted the blade that Cameron used in the last episode of T:TSCC. Did I succeed

Nice find. Where did you locate it?
Re: I wanted the blade that Cameron used in the last episode of T:TSCC. Did I succeed

Dang, thats sweet I saw that knife pop out during that episode and thought its time for a new knife. :love
Re: I wanted the blade that Cameron used in the last episode of T:TSCC. Did I succeed

Just a warning, this is a spring assisted blade and it's pretty powerful. It is not legal in many US states. It is a favorite of law enforcement and the military. It will run from $180-$200+.
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