FINISHED! - Rocketeer Rocket Pack: Comic book version (Image Heavy)

The Rock-a-who

Well-Known Member
(Sorry for the sizes of the images, didn't realize they wouldn't resize in the editor)

Well, I guess it's time to start MY Rocketeer Rocket Pack WIP thread. Mine however is the comic book version:

(Just in case you guys didn't know what it looked like) ;)

I picked this version for a few reasons. It's from the original comic which is what made me fall in love with the Rocketeer in the first place but mostly because it's probably going to be a lot easier to build than scratch build the movie version.

Most of the parts I got form PVC pipes and parts. The main 'trunk' I got off eBay is a 8" diameter chunk of pipe.

I'll be adding an 8" end cap pvc, a cut 6" end cap for under it and for the rocket exhaust, I could a PVC piece from Home Depot, after separating the pieces, works real nice. (Can't remember the part name, I'll find out when I go back there for more stuff)

Now, on to the pictures!


This is the 8" pipe I got off eBay. I already started making a frame for the bullet tip using cardboard. I scaled the first picture and used it as a template to create the shape.


Started adding the insulation foam to fill in the spaces


Voila! I made a mushroom!


After carving the excess foam away, I have the makings of a giant bullet.


Here's the part I was talking about for the exhaust. Not sure what it's called, but after removing two of the pieces (they screw out)


A rocket exhaust!


Here's a plastic drain cover I plan to use for a grate in the exhaust. Need to tim it down so it will fit.


Here's the 8" end cap, cut 6" end cap and that exhaust stacked to see how it will fit together. It's upsidedown right now, so stand on your head to see how it's supposed to be :)

Next step is to add the Bondo to the top and sand it down and make it all shiney and pretty. Started adding some to it, but ran out and need to make a Home Depot run tomorrow.

I'll add more pics as they come available.

Thanks for watching!
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Re: Rocketeer Rocket Pack WIP (Comic book version)

More updates:


Started adding the bondo to it.


Initial sanding/shaping


Getting real close to final shape and smoothing as of last night.

Being my first time to work with bondo, I was surprised how many times I've had to add more layers of bondo to it. Because you have to work fast and in small batches, the air bubbles and sometimes a thinner than needed layer, it's a lot slower progress than I expected. But I'm hoping after this weekend I'll be finished with initial shaping and sanding and start smoothing it with a higher grade sandpaper to make it glass smooth before I start painting and work on other parts of it.
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Re: Rocketeer Rocket Pack WIP (Comic book version)

Welcome to the world of working with Bondo :) Looking very good so far. Can't wait to see the completed rocketpack.
Re: Rocketeer Rocket Pack WIP (Comic book version)

Awe man, I have wanted to try this for the longest time. It's such a great project. Good luck to you!
Re: Rocketeer Rocket Pack WIP (Comic book version)

I just read this comic last night :). Looks good so far, making the second version that Peevy modified? I made one similar to this last Halloween. Looking good :)
Re: Rocketeer Rocket Pack WIP (Comic book version)

Awesome! That is the pack I would love to build when I start a Rocketeer build.

Re: Rocketeer Rocket Pack WIP (Comic book version)

I just read this comic last night :). Looks good so far, making the second version that Peevy modified? I made one similar to this last Halloween. Looking good :)

Yea, I'm going to add fins. Spells 'Mother' to me :)

I'm actually thinking of (depending how successful I am) building another with the stabilizer rings before Cliff busted it up.
Re: Rocketeer Rocket Pack WIP (Comic book version)

More updates. Got a lot done yesterday.

Finished sanding and shaping the bullet (took longer than I originally thought) and started working on the base.


8" end cap, now cut and shaped a bit.


End cap attached to the main rocket.


The 'peaks' on the end cap were too short so I took the excess pipe I cut from it, shaped it and attached to the top so to it now has the right shape and height.


Next is I started working on the fins. The rocket was about 2 1/2" too tall, so after I trimmed it, I had these pieces and I'm using to make the fins.
First I cut the pieces into 4 equal sizes.


Then I put each piece into boiling water for about 2 minutes to soften it and placed between two board with clamps to flatten it and voilla! Flat piece of pvc to shape the fins.


One of the pieces with the template on top to trace and cut.

So, next steps will be to shape the fins, attach, fill in the cracks and seams and sand & shape.

Hopefully I can get some of this started today.
Re: Rocketeer Rocket Pack WIP (Comic book version)

Very interesting, I like the film a lot but never seen any of the comics. Great work
Re: Rocketeer Rocket Pack WIP (Comic book version)

Did some more work, but nothing really to show for it yet. Mostly getting the fins cut and shaped. Hopefully this weekend I'll have them attached to the rocket and start filling/sanding some more.

However I wanted to show my hand controls for the costume. Again, using PVC piping I cut the shapes and formed the 'oval' one by putting it in boiling water to soften and shape it.


Re: Rocketeer Rocket Pack WIP: Comic book version (Image Heavy)

Added the grill/vent for the rocket exhaust

I'll need to add this part later to the main rocket. I've cut a 3" hole in the bottom so I could get my hand into the rocket when I finish painting it and attach to the pack.

And I've added the fins!


Next is filling in the spaces around the fins, sanding and adding the gold elements on either side of the rocket - then PAINT!

Stay tuned...
Re: Rocketeer Rocket Pack WIP: Comic book version (Image Heavy)

How easy is it to shape the PVC out of the boiling water? How quickly does it cool? I've seen it done before but never to such an extreme bend... usually just a little bit of an oval or so.

Your photos look promising- I look forward to following this project!
Re: Rocketeer Rocket Pack WIP: Comic book version (Image Heavy)

It's not difficult, but you need to shape quickly. These pieces I did, are about a 1/4 inch thick, so they stayed in the water for about 2 minutes before it got soft enought. Then I sandwiched it between two flat boards and clamped it tight. About 60 seconds later it was cool enought. More often than not I had to do this to each pieces twice before it was flat enough. Even the I had to sand them down a bit to remove any slight humps.
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