Custom Tennant Sonic Build

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Well, we are underway, as this go’s to print, the CNC lathes and mills are now churning out Rassilon1Custom Tennant Sonic Screwdriver parts.

Enough to make five (5) Rassilon1 Custom Sonics in various forms or a fully assembled unit, all in time for Santa’s sack and what a full sack Santa has this year……. All hale Rassilon1……….

Have been checking my list for those that have been nutty or nice, and it's growing, have checked it twice, as for the final Rassilon1 Custom Sonic design, well it looks like this ,,,,,,, Oh that would be telling, cant have spoilers.

Release date for the prototype Rassilon1 Custom Sonic will be on the 17th December 2011.

.......Or not at all due to Asp9mm........
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Subscribing to this thread because man do I want in on this! Rassilon, you've done some amazing work!
Oh dear, seems the OP has woken a sleeping dragon by attempting to kick him in the nuts, but missed and fell face first into them instead. Whatever, the dragon has awoken. Good luck with that. Recasting is bad news, recasting that dragon, is an epic amount of bad news.
I've looked long and hard at the morality of recasting this 'dragon', afterall he is unlicenced and copying another persons work too. Really LOOKING, and looking long and hard into this it isn't as black and white as that. The 'dragon' actually' developed and engineered his own design and functions based on extrapolated measurements from the original prop. He then re-engineered the whole prop to bring internal parts - working in unison with external dimensions to replicate the outward appearance of the prop and to add a robust design he developed himself, which would allow us prop fans to actually carry, use and abuse this prop everyday. Something the original and even the MFX replica certainly was not capable of for even one day. As such, the design depicted here by the OP, is his (the dragon) and is classed as recasting surely. Something we accused the 'dragon' of before it was revealed he was not copying the MFX but working on an entirely new depiction. Another thread on the Romana sonic prop also shows the same methods applied to RogueScouts replica by the OP. Although the recasting thing is confusing for me, copying both those designs with a few tweaks and then offering them for sale, is indeed to me - recasting. It maybe OK for your own personal replica, but not for commercial gain.
OK...never mind the above post. It took me a few seconds and a quick check of a banned member's blog to get the answers I need.
OK. I'm confused. What the heck are you talking about?

He is referring to the fact that Rassilon's screwdriver design contains a great many design elements (more to do with how it is assembled than any exterior appearance) that do not appear on any screen-used Sonics, nor on the MFX sonic, but do appear exclusively on Sonics released by another party (This would be "The Dragon" that Asp refers to--I'm sure you can figure out who he means).
The fact that these design elements only appear on the work of that one individual leads one to believe that Rassilon1's work is not original, but a reproduction of another's original work (remember, we're talking about build methods, not external appearance). I believe that "reproduction of another's original work" is classified around these parts as "Recasting."

THAT is what the heck he is talking about.
The Cult of CT has arrived, I new that it would happen one day, as I have been warned about this by other members, that they would start showing up, and there job is to attack anyone that looks like having a go at the 10th doctors sonic, as according to them there can only be one.
The only thing that band member he is good at, is expanding my use of bad English.

This image is the base from which I made most of my dimensions from, I scaled it to size and used a ruler to do the rest, and used 3D inventor to model the sonic.

Others was from screen grabs & photo’s taken from the net of Sonics, have used various photo’s to help with building my custom sonic.

Some of the design that I posted, where just that, design concepts, however in retrospect, I should not have posted them, or been so forth coming until I had a final design.

As now this has only given the band member fuel to attach me on.

I have never been to his site but I can see why no one would make the Tennant sonic now He is a good example of a cyber bully.

I do not intend to deviate from what I have started, I can‘t be cyber bullied into submission, by him or any others from his cult, I do not go to his site as it is a waste of space. Frankly why would I, it is of very little value to this forum or the human race.

I still will be posting pic’s of the Rassilon1 Custom Tennant Sonic on the due date as mentioned.

This is the transmitter that I'm manufacturing now, there is no design relevance to his at all but more what is depictured in the show not what was posted somtime back.

My Nutty or nice list is growing. "what list are YOU on"
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To be fair, he does have a good case. We all know he's a bit fierce but I'm more interested in hearing how come your sonic is so similar to his.
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