As close to a HOVERBOARD as you can get for now...Introducing the ZBoard.


Master Member
So about a year ago I was contacted by a company that makes an electric skateboard with amazing "weight sensing technology for the footpad controls. Up until now, you had to control the speed of an electric skateboard by a hand control.

They contacted me about using my Nike MAG replicas and Marty McFly future jacket. Well, we just finished this filming their promo to help raise money for TEAMFOX, The Michael J. Fox Research Foundation for the Research and Cure of Parkinson's Disease.

The price, at just $1,500, for this "POWERED" Zboard is incredible and yes, you can actually ride it on water :) . They are attempting to raise $5,000 for TEAMFOX. You can buy this thing today at the price they are offering. Toss the Matty board and start actually riding a Zboard.
This was shot at my house last week. Paul "Doc" Nigh was kind enough to donate the use of his Delorean Time Machine. The two actors in the promo are the owners of the ZBoard company. Very nice and humble guys.

Here is their website: ZBoard
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At least you can ride that board unlike the Matty Collector thing (glad I only paid $99 for mine) that just sits there. Very cool video Jedifyfe :)
I received my Hoverboard Edition ZBoard. This thing is awesome!




How cool! You're always on the ''cutting edge'' aren't you Brad? :D Very nice score there, Sir. :cool:thumbsup

HAHAHA! One would think so...I think I am just SO obsessed with BTTF that I seek out anything BTTF related. Let alone I got this board for helping out the makers with the promo video along with them getting my Marty McFly 2015 jacket with electronics. $1500 board for a days work and $700 jacket is worth it. ;)
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