Sith Juggernaut


New Member
My Sith Juggernaut Armour I made for the Calgary Expo (2013). This armour is Columi Tier armour from 'Star Wars The Old Republic' online game. This is the first cosplay project I ever made. I learned ALLOT and I might improve this, haven't decided yet. Thx Abby Darkstar for the encouragement!

This was all from scratch. I made everything from screen shots in the game. The only thing not made was the lightsaber because of time.
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Thx allot guys. I spent allot of time on it. I learned allot too. Im expecting my next armour type project to be better.
Nice :)

I had an idea to build a costume based on my swtor chars. My sage would have been good (battlemaster gear) or inquisitor. Really liked the mid level gear so just put decent mods/etc.. in it.

wouldn't know where to start though.. :(
Nice :)

I had an idea to build a costume based on my swtor chars. My sage would have been good (battlemaster gear) or inquisitor. Really liked the mid level gear so just put decent mods/etc.. in it.

wouldn't know where to start though.. :(

I started by just trying to make stuff out of paper. It was cumbersome and crappy but all you want is a basic pattern. If it looks like it fits, great. If not, trim it. If you need more paper, just tape it on and trim that any old way. You should see the patchwork mess that my patterns where but after that I traced them to 1/4" foam, for armour, made it slightly bigger because of how you loose a bit when pieces bend and curve. Hotglue = welding for foam :), then 1/2 water, 1/2 white glue mix in 4-8 layers depending how you want to piece to look with paint on it.
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Here's the back. You never get to see it but I kinda thought the hood and spine looked cool too.
Sorry the colour in the pic is bad... room lighting I guess.
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I started by just trying to make stuff out of paper. It was cumbersome and crappy but all you want is a basic pattern. If it looks like it fits, great. If not, trim it. If you need more paper, just tape it on and trim that any old way. You should see the patchwork mess that my patterns where but after that I traced them to 1/4" foam, for armour, made it slightly bigger because of how you loose a bit when pieces bend and curve. Hotglue = welding for foam :), then 1/2 water, 1/2 white glue mix in 4-8 layers depending how you want to piece to look with paint on it.

Hey, thanks for that :)

Looking at my inquisitor again I think it could be possible. cable tidy (that black ribbed tubing) for the cables, push lights for the belt points and a few other bits and pieces with the foam and yeh.. it might work :D


cheers for that, you've given me some things to think about :)
That's wicked. I'm not too experienced with material and sewing but I can see the shoulder/neck gear coming together. I gotta see this project come together, it'll be sweet. I just started designing my own idea for an Ancient Sith Juggernaut armour. The best part of your own creations is you aren't restrained so this will have pockets and I should be able to sit down in it, lol. I'll post if I go with it.
Who knows, if you go to Edmonton Expo in September Partsguy17, I might have my own Juggernaut design done. If not I'll prolly wear this one again.
Looks fantastic, especially for a first time doing anything like this. Great work! I'll keep an eye out for you in case you ever make it out to Vancouver FanExpo!

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