The Doctor Who Experience *SPOILERS*

Michael Bergeron

Legendary Member
Hey Folks,

Anyone been to the Doctor Who Experience yet? I went a couple weeks ago and thought it was AWESOME! I was expecting something cheesy but it was actually very well done and the exhibit afterwards was great full of costumes and other props galore (I took about 200 photos and a few videos! Lol).

A highlight for me was the two original TARDIS consoles (4,5,6,7th Doctor and 9,10th Doctor) as well as the Cybermen helmets and the line of Daleks as seen throughout the series.

The Experience itself was great and my kids and I got to go through on our own so there was no fight over who got to "drive" the TARDIS or people blocking view of the action.

As much as I really don't like the new Dalek design the Experience had a part that I thought was ingenious to "wheel back" the look and still save face with the new Daleks.

At one point you're in the control room of a Dalek spaceship (the new guys) and they're threatening you. Then on their viewport you see other Dalek ships and they say that they don't accept Dalek 2.0 as their superiors before firing on you.

How epic would a Dalek civil war be in the actual series??? It gave me goosebumps and immediately made me feel better about the new look.

Anyone else have thoughts? Here's a couple of the shots I took, obviously I couldn't take any in the Experience itself.





I have two sets of pictures from my visit(s) to the experience:

Doctor Who Experience - 05/03/2011 - a set on Flickr
Doctor Who Experience -19/03/2011 - a set on Flickr

A Third will follow, which will hopefully be the best. The first set was my first visit with a camera that was on its way out, the second visit was my first visit with a new camera that I was still learning the ins and outs of... the third visit, well, I've gotten the hang of some of the finer points of the camera so the third visit should be the best for pictures.

It was lovely to see the Five Doctors Console in it's most recently restored state (restoration work provided by Mike Tucker for the second time. The first was for Panopticon 2003). One thing I'll say for it, it's deceptively heavy. I've had to carry/move the time rotor core in the past and it was not easy. The new walls are nice and a deliberate amalgam of 2/3 generations of Tardis Walls (Since they only have one 'classic who' set, they were trying to cover as many aspects as possible, hence the TomDoc scarf on the hatstand.

The Experience will, apparently, eventually move to Cardiff where it will become a semi-permanent exhibition. I've also received indication that the placement of a 'Dalek Civil War' idea was a deliberate decision which makes me very excited. Get rid of those hunchback *message redacted*, and give us the cult of Skaro back...

I'm intending to go back one more time after the mid-season break to see any new-season monsters added (as has been observed, The Silence has recently arrived).
The popularity of the exhibit has been awesome, especially the attention some of the 'Classic' Exhibits have received.
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