World of Warcraft - Priest Tier 6 Absolution Regalia - WIP - Pic Heavy


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I've been a long time player of the game and since beta I've played a priest. Couple that with the fact that I like to tinker with things and have been known to make a costume or two and the inevitable happens, I'm making my favourite tier set.

I wanted to do the set justice so I thought I'd learn how to sculpt, mould and cast. I have done very small pieces in the past, but nothing that was anywhere near this scale or wearable so I asked David Pea for guidance, advice and assistance. I am extremely grateful that he said yes :)

For those who don't know World of Warcraft, this is the costume that I am making, minus the horns and hooves (Yes, that actually is my character):


The challenging part of this costume is the shoulder pieces. This is where the sculpting comes in. David agreed to come over and get me started off provided I had the reference material to start on. These are two of the four reference pictures I used:


After a few hours on the first day, David had sculpted the right half of the piece:


My job was to mirror the work on the other side. After numerous hours work, this is what I was able to come up with:


Today David was over again and with the help of my lovely and talented significant other Ken (Talisen), he was able to refine my work and add some finishing touches to the sculpt - specifically the rivets and the marble cracks. We also built up the base of the sculpture and put a matte clear coat on it to prep it for moulding. Here's what it looked like prior to moulding:


Huge piece. The mould for it is absolutely the biggest thing I have ever seen created with my own two eyes. It looks like a giant mud oven to me or as Ken puts it, Yoda's mud hut from Dagobah:


We'll be cracking open the mould either tomorrow or Monday night. I have started on the soft parts of the costume, not much to show for it yet but a very plain looking navy blue long dress:

Amazingly nice sculpt there! Any idea what weapon you're going to pair with it (Tier 5 has some obvious ones, 6 doesn't per say) -- possibly Benediction?
I'm having a lot of fun with you guys and tomorrow we'll pop the mother mold open, clean it all up and pour the silicone. And you totally owned that sculp. :thumbsup

Couldn't have done it without you at all David! Looking forward to tomorrow.

Connor, Benediction doesn't really go with the set, but the Greatstaff of the Nexus off Malygos looks really good with it. I might give that a go with Worbla at some point.
Quick update. We cracked the shell today and have poured the silicone. So far so good :)

miramus.jpgI play as well ....watching this thread...My priest has the T5 avatar set but i love the T6 as well
glad they put transmog in the game
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LMAO I use the abso set for shadow
After Beta I was a Tank for a year but I found the love of healing been doing it ever since, I have a pally/ priest/ shaman and druid... all are fun to heal with IMHO . I dont care for healing with a monk

Honestly I thought the game was much better back when seeing end game content took Major amounts of dedication (like getting attuned Just to enter a raid.... back to the thread sorry didnt mean to derail....Please work hard on your set I long to see more pics!!!!!!!! are you going to use plastic chain on the pauldrens?
Quick update - poured the silicone on Monday, so far it's looking good. Was able to pull up the mold from the wood that it was bolted to:

Hello All,

Over the weekend I completed my first pull of the mold. Bought a gallon of Smooth-Cast 65-D and tried out slush casting. I must say the 65-D set quite fast, but overall the weight and durability of the piece is exactly what I wanted. I will try another pull (two shoulders after all) and this time use less material but more applications. Here's a pic of the first pull:


Is it bad that I'm like a kid with a new toy? I am so happy with how this turned out. Many thanks to David and Ken for all the assistance!
Ok, so next weekend is our local Prop Party, so I've been busy working on a couple older projects to get them finished off to display. Since I completed the weathering on my Halo Scout helmet and am happy with how it looks, I was able to spend the morning casting a second shoulder piece.

I did things a little differently. Since the Smooth Cast 65-D sets so dang fast, I decided to break down the casting to four parts; bottom point, left side then right side. Also this time around I wanted to try it solo. Let me tell you, hefting that mould around trying to slush the resin around is a workout. A workout x3 the way I did it. The second cast is the one on the left of this photo.

Its been years since I played WOW, I remember that when they previewed all the tier 6 Gear I was super stoked about the look of the priests. So glad to see a build of it here going on, beautiful work so far.
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