Skyrim: Khajiit in Nordic Carved Armor

Sedulous Studios

Active Member
I know I'm not the first to do a khajiit, nor the first to build the Nordic Carved Armor, but it's what spoke to me!

I wanted to try my hand at making prosthetics, and at hairing. I hadn't done either, so this has been an interesting experience so far! I also want to build a set of armor that is wearable, and that I can wear to fantasy/Ren Faire type events, without the prosthetics. So...

My reference:


I decided to start on the prosthetic first. So step one was getting a life cast of my head. Happily I'm a member of a local costuming club and was able to draft some members to make it for me! It's not a perfect face cast, but it was close enough that a bit of carving got it to where I needed it. A bald cap would have been a really good idea, my hair ripped chunks out of the alginate mold despite tons of cholesterol hair cream in it.


Then I went to work with Monster Clay (that stuff is awesome) on my casting:


I did a lot of reading and talked to a Chewbacca costumer, since that process is very similar to what I wanted to do. They use a silicone skin, with a rigid under skull to support it and to hinge the jaw. The molds for the silicone casting are frequently made out of fiberglass, which sounded good to me. Except... I've never used fiberglass before, and therefore didn't realize that the resin I was using was old and spoiled. It never cured. So... I had to scrape and remove disgusting stinky fiberglass resin and mat from my sculpture. No pictures of this part, but it was awful. Ugh. That will show me for skipping a spot test!

I decided to make the mold out of ultracal or hydrocal instead. Except I bought the wrong stuff--hydrostone, which is not quite the same as I realized when it started setting up suddenly rather than gradually. Gah.


Much frustration later, I was able to pull apart my mold. We had to stick it in the oven to soften up the clay enough to get the life cast out, but it did work--no serious undercuts!


Then it was time to go to work brushing up the silicone mask itself. I had purchased Dragonskin from Smooth-On, as well as Thi-vex. I DID actually do a test to see if I could pigment the dragonskin with dry pigments, and I could, yay! So I pigmented it to dark brown for the nose and lips. I didn't use the Thi-vex, so I spent a lot of time brushing the dragonskin back up onto the sides and ended up with a rather uneven thickness. The ears were hollow, so after the whole thing was cured I injected thickened dragonskin into them to fill them. I ended up using a little bit less than one trial kit of dragonskin on this mask, but I need to add more to the sides behind the jaw still.

Once that was cured, I brushed in Smooth-On's Onyx to build up the underskull. I actually did this twice, once with a full face and the second time focusing on the lower part of the face with just a bit going up to the lower forehead.

After all this, I had this:

At this point I started on some of the hairing, as I was doing it as a sort of demonstration at the group's table at a con. I used some tiny little forked needles designed for this and punch-punch-punched in wool and alpaca hair. I had already done a test swatch:


so I was pretty confident about this step. I started on an ear, since I knew I still needed to adjust things on the rest of the face. After several hours of punching in hair (and stabbing myself with the needle a few times, and also breaking one needle) I had this! (oh, and I painted the scars somewhere in there too. I used a mixture of dry pigments and dragonskin, almost equal parts of each by volume to make it really opaque. I added the scar across the eye because I want to have one blind eye so I only have to buy one expensive custom sclera contact lens!)

That hair is partially trimmed, still more adjustments to go. Now I just have to hair the entire rest of it, after I add more dragonskin to the edges of course.

And... that's where I am now.
nice progress, first time messing with silicone masks you say? Looks like a great first outcome! cant wait to see more progress on this, i've never seen that armour before, is it from the dawnguard dlc on skyrim?
Looking great so far! I can't wait to see how the hair-punching turns out. The world needs more Khajiits, imho.
(I also love your Thorin profile pic!)
Damn! way to just jump in the deep end! the sculpt is great looking and huge kudos to you for taking on such a project.
you've undertaken a massive job but if you keep up the dedication and care that you've shown so far you're going to have something absolutely stunning. definitely looking forward to more developments from this project. keep up the fantastic work :)
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