Reifujin Shiori from Witchblade:Obakemono


New Member
Hello All. I've been a lurker on the RPF for a while but have just decided to start a build thread for my first big undertaking in costuming. I've been sewing for SCA for almost 20 years, and have a small stint in live theater. Part of my purpose in starting this thread is motivation for myself. I am always afraid to post up costume ideas that I want to work on for fear that if I don't finish them I'll be letting people down who wanted to see it done. dumb ha? Well this chrstmas I was able to get a nice customizable dressform, and part of my agreement with myself for getting the dressform was that I would actually USE it. SO this time I am telling people what I am working on ahead of time, and therefore have the implied pressure of giving y'all updates on it. If I have to give updates, I have to make progress. It's motivational, you see :p

Anyway, here is what I'm working on. Reifujin Shiori from Witchblade:Obakemono. I won't be making the sword, but I will be making the kimono, armor, and gauntlet.

The kimono will be easy, I've made many of those. For the body armor I've run into issues. It has the appearance of laces knotted along the surface of the armor. I'm starting to wonder if I should scrap the idea of trying to duplicate the body armor exactly and just use a more traditional lamellar, possibly in floating panels.

The gauntlet will be the ~intresting~ part. I've never done any propmaking other than some armor work. The gauntlet changes a bit in different drawings, so I do have a little leeway in details, but for a base, I was thinking about forming an under gauntlet and bracer from a lightweight but fairly rigid plastic (Sintra?) and building the dragon on top of that. It would immobilize my right wrist, but I could deal with it. I'm not sure what I'm going to make the outer part of the gauntlet from at this time...more materials research is needed :)

Anyway, we will see how it all turns out.
This thread is more than 11 years old.

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