Mad Hatter Hats


Well-Known Member
I thought it would be nice if every one posted pictues of their mad hatter hats for people who are making them, so if you have made a mad hatter hat, please, post pictures!
Heres mine along with the Mini scale replica i made for my Girlfriend


These are mine, but I don't do them SA, these are my style. I do the mini mostly for the girlies. :D


And my full size one, again, in the same style.


Whoo hoo! I finally know how to do that img tag thingy! :)
Thanks so much! I really like how it turned out... I should have done all the gold stitch before I shaped the hat though... sewing all those little shapes moons and stars was a pain in the a$$!!!! haha
I haven't made one yet, but if anyone is looking to make one, Thread Banger on YouTube has a great tutorial on making the entire costume down to the last detail.
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