iron man mark iv


New Member
this is my progress so far no pics of abs but done found better pepa file for helmet so I will redo don't like way 1st one came out thanks again for all info out here very very helpful will keep you updated.finished 2nd foot today so basically all that's left is left arm and hand and leftshin and thigh and left shoulder
Can you tel me what method of scaling you use with iron man>> I scale armors but only halo master chief costume so its hard with iron man
Finished rest of left side of suit working on pics waiting for warmer weather so I can start resin process but can't make up its mind one day flopding rains next day snowing
sorry never updated suit finished could .of been better but was running low on time for unveiling at local kids Halloween party at school. I think kids were super excited to see iron man!!!here's some pics of the overall progress on suit and some videos of the party 20130922_164513.jpg20130922_164500.jpg20130922_164452.jpg20130806_195004.jpg20130806_195025.jpg20130828_184250.jpg20130828_184257.jpg20130828_184306.jpg20130828_184312.jpg20130905_194910.jpg20130905_194940.jpg20130922_164438.jpg20130803_170039.jpg20130720_195257.jpg20130720_195240.jpg20130720_195236.jpg20130713_145140.jpg20130609_180751.jpg20130609_180844.jpg20130626_200529.jpg20130626_200542.jpg20130626_200553.jpg20130626_200634.jpg20130705_183831.jpg
20130929_165340.jpg20130929_165350.jpg20131002_094818.jpg20131002_094828.jpg20131002_094834.jpg20131002_163533.jpg20131002_163540.jpg20131002_163653.jpg20140215_101349.jpg20131013_200924.jpg20131013_200916.jpg20131012_192624.jpg20131012_072017.jpg20131004_181022.jpg20140215_101724.jpg20140215_101719.jpgbiggest issue I had was cod piece was too small like a 29 inch waist so instead of scraping I cut both sides and inserted a 2 1/2 piece of fiberglass and a 1 1/2 in the center and resin 2 layers of cloth in problem fixed here's some of finished pics.
here's a couple of videos my wife made at school during party guess village board members impressed asked if I could come back next year so in the process of hulk or dark knight if I do hulk I was gonna use stilts make him around 7-8 ft tall out of foam and latex or try and find tdk files and create suit what do you think???
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Thanks for sharing the pics and videos the suit looks fantastic! I love the kids yelling 'It's Iron Man!!' Maybe you should start a side business doing birthday party appearances. Which set of files did you end up using?
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