Iron Man Mark 42 Suit: 7day Speed-Build! [COMPLETED PHOTO IN FIRST POST]


Active Member
Finished this build in 8days!
Here is a photo of my foam Mark42 suit! Played a bit in photoshop to make it more "exciting". needed explosions. PLease note that I added the wear and damage with photoshop.

Greetings interwebs,

This is actually going to be my very first Iron Man foam build and I'm planning on making this for the 12am screening of IM3. So that gives me exactly 7days! I know that it sounds ambitious since I never made a foam suit and only have 7days but I spent many many months reading countless threads, taking notes, and planning this. So I'm confident that meeting the deadline wont be a problem.

I would like to thank Jackieisrockin, Gaiatron, Helagaks, ironmaided, gimpee and everyone else who i forgot for the files and foam conversion I will be using.
Also thanks to JFcustom and STEALTH (The Hero Tutorials on YouTube) for all the great info that will help greatly with this.

Ok let the 7days of no sleep begin. :lol

Again, this is my first foam build, so I may make mistakes and wont be anything close to screen accurate but I'll try to build this as best as I can.

Day one is almost over but got a lot done! First I took my measurements and scaled each part accordingly. Ill be starting with my boot and work my way up.
For this I used 10mm EVA foam.

I was also able to finish the shin and thigh. But I changed my mind and used 3mm EVA foam sheets. I did the math and it would cost much less than using the 10mm fitness mats. But it will also give me better contrast when I start to Plastidip.

I'm thinking about re-doing the boots with the 3mm foam and do the cod and hip plates before clocking out since I can crank them out fast.
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Re: Iron Man Mark 42 Suit: 7day Speed-Build! [Pic heavy]

Wow nice start buddy good luck in reaching your goal gonna take a lot of doing in 7 days :D will be watching with interest :D
Re: Iron Man Mark 42 Suit: 7day Speed-Build! [Pic heavy]

So I just finished re making the boots with 3mm foam. I think it came out much better and was much easier to make.

I also put aside the cod piece and hip plates for after the abs. I have a feeling that the abs will take me the longest so before I sign out, I finished cutting out and tracing all the ab pieces. I will cut and glue tom'w morning.

Re: Iron Man Mark 42 Suit: 7day Speed-Build! [Pic heavy]

looking nice man, keep at it!

Ok let the 7days of no sleep begin.

sleep for weak patar.jpg
Re: Iron Man Mark 42 Suit: 7day Speed-Build! [Pic heavy]

I'm actually planning on doing the exact same thing! Can you either post or forward me the info/files you are using for your build and maybe we could help each other as we each try to bust this out over the next few days. I wish you the best of luck.
Re: Iron Man Mark 42 Suit: 7day Speed-Build! [Pic heavy]

looking nice man, keep at it!

View attachment 176179

I allowed myself 3hours of sleep before waking up to knock out the abs before 10am. I'm going to look like that soon. haha

I'm actually planning on doing the exact same thing! Can you either post or forward me the info/files you are using for your build and maybe we could help each other as we each try to bust this out over the next few days. I wish you the best of luck.

Yeah best of luck to you too!
Re: Iron Man Mark 42 Suit: 7day Speed-Build! [Pic heavy]

I slept for a few hours before waking up to do the abs.

As I started the abs it wasnt as hard as I thought it would be but it would take me a long time to finish

couple hours later!

Going to try and finish the gloves, fingers, forearms, biceps, and shoulders today. And if I have time, I'll also try and do the neck and helmet.
Re: Iron Man Mark 42 Suit: 7day Speed-Build! [Pic heavy]

OMG thats amazing i really want to make myself an iron man suit but i couldnt find any tutorials so could u send me the link to the youtube tutorials
thanx :D
Re: Iron Man Mark 42 Suit: 7day Speed-Build! [Pic heavy]

Looking really good so far, you work fast!

Thanks thanks! I'm trying to work as fast as I can but still stay neat. Its hard. haha

damn youre fast!

thanks but ill have to kick it in high gear

Excellent work, nice crisp lines.

Thanks! really hard when im rushing

OMG thats amazing i really want to make myself an iron man suit but i couldnt find any tutorials so could u send me the link to the youtube tutorials

Thanks. Just check out my first post.

wow! the result is really amazing

Thanks thanks
Re: Iron Man Mark 42 Suit: 7day Speed-Build! [Pic heavy]

So I was able to finish the gloves, fingers, forearms, biceps, and helmet. Going to go work on the neck now. Since I'm making good time today I will also print out the chest and back and trace them on the foam.

I'm not too happy with the palm so I might redo it, but ill keep it for now in case I dont have time to redo it.

Re: Iron Man Mark 42 Suit: 7day Speed-Build! [Pic heavy]

Really nice build man. I am definitely subbing this one :)
Re: Iron Man Mark 42 Suit: 7day Speed-Build! [Pic heavy]

the abs are very great and very accurate to the movie. The only pb i think will be the mobility. It's why i did'nt make abd on my armor ;)
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