Iron Man Mark 38 "Igor"


Active Member
Ok... seriously.... anyone going to work a pep for this behemoth?
I would seriously be interested in a foam build of this armor...

Let me know...

I think there will be two issues with that armor:

1) If you do it movie accurate, you need some kind of device to be able to control both legs and hands, considering that your hands will be kinda small for the size of the Igor

2) If you make it human size (screw movie accuracy) you still have something that isnt scaled to a normal sized human

Also, i think that the stability of the foam and the size of the parts are in inverse proportion, so, more foam, more problems.

Thats my un-educated guess considering that i never cut a single sheet of foam.

Sorry for spelling mistakes, im spanish speaker.
If you're so interested in building it, why not do a scratch build instead of waiting months or even years before a decent PDO becomes available?

This will probably need some kind of supporting frame to ensure it stays up and there isn't too much pressur on the wearers back like like my Mark 1 in progress.

Another option would be to have the helmet of the suit controlled but not occupied by the wearer, whose real head my sit somewhere around the shoulder area.
If I know my fellow RPF'ers well enough, i guarantee they will post some guide for the build at some point. Like mentioned the build would be awkward due to the position you would have to be in but im sure someone will make this soon enough
If you going to build the Igor, just free-hand build it... but it would be better off cased than worn..

I'd say this is spot on, it would be a sick build but without some complex support system etc it would be better of in a cabinet haha. That said, I'm sure someone on here will figure out way of working out how to make the thing, I can see it being quite an expensive animatronic job though...
One thing that does strike me is that if you built this in the way I described you've have room for a HUD since your head would be 20-30cm away from the front of the helmet.

I'm seriously thinking about having a crack at this over the Easter weekend.
Haha...I see the topic and immediately knew who posted as we discussed this on FB. I am also interested in it but, looks like there may be some snags, especially since I have never worked with pep of foam. I am thinking of trying the "Hulk Buster" suit instead.
Ever since I saw the name all I hear in the back of my mind is


"Yeethhh Mastterrrr"
I'd say wait until more reference becomes available...we still don't the exact scale of this one yet. I'm going to say though that I think in the film, he wears a "standard" suit within Igor, but I could be wrong..
You can probably work out the scale from the trailer clip and the helmet. I'm going try the torso, if only to see if the suit is wearable by a real human.
Wow... lotsa replies....

I think I am with the "wait and see" here... We don't really have enough details yet to get a good idea.... I love the helmet and the look... and I did speak with Boz on FB cause being a bigger guy, I thought this might be my Iron man chance... since I do not have the proportions to pull off a regular suit of IM...

I think if we get more concept art or a toy version to study, that might really help us figure this out.... but if any of you find additional'em here....

actually i read something somewhere, the igor armor, is an exterior armor worn on another armor. (get it?) here's an example, tony wearing mark 48, then reinforced it by wearing igor.
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