First build: daft punk Thomas Bangalter helmet


Active Member
Hi guys, I got some great feedback about painting this thing last week which helped me get over the line in time for this past weekends festivities, so I just thought I'd post a few pics of the process. This is my first time attempting any serious prop building, so it's nowhere near the standard of the usual stuff on here but as a Halloween costume I think it worked out ok!

My main materials were a kids motocross helmet, some plastic placemats from ikea & a few plastic clipboards. I wanted to do the construction in plastic so that assuming I got the lines right I'd be able to prime & paint without having to use bondo/filler, which I have zero experience with.


As I was doing this freehand from reference photos I has some trouble figuring out the curve on the visor, in the end I ended up building a sub structure for the lighter plastic visor top to sit on using the heavier clipboard plastic.



After much trial & error I got the upper visor looking close to what I wanted, then it was on to the lower portion, I had to cut away more of the helmet "jaw" as I went along as it made the mouth part look far too out of proportion!



Eventually got the basic shape down.


Next I trimmed the sides of the visor & started figuring out the shapes that made up the temple areas. I also got an a2 sheet of 2mm thick acetate from an art shop to use for the visor, I has originally planned to tint it using the fabric dye method, but I found no matter what I did (temperature/ amount of dye) it curled up and didn't take the tint at all. I ended up using a plastic document folder as a tint, horribly cloudy but I was short on time. Also here I was messing with the ear pucks, I ended up not using the lights, but I may add them in some form in future.


I then finished off the temple area, ended up using a couple of hair gel lids for the ears, along with some weird plastic things I found at the DIY shop, also I filled in the holes left from where the motocross visor attached with thumb tack tops & hot glue ( clearly I'm very anti filler!)


Finished the construction & gave it some primer, then gloss black, this was less than 24 hours before I had to have it ready for a part so I was under pressure!




I forgot to take a proper picture of my led rig, I borrowed an idea from I believe Chaz over at the daft club, basically stripping the led board out of a programmable scrolling message thing meant for a car rear window, making a bracket to hold it in a curve and praying it doesn't snap in two. Swapping out the car connection with a 9v battery was handy enough even for me.


And the finished product! The thing I don't like is due to the helmet not being a great size overall it's a little too big, but I tried to make the proportions look right at least. Thanks to those who gave me advice last week, and thanks rpf, never would have thought I could put something like this together if I hadn't been lurking on here seeing just what was possible when you put your mind to something!




How did you set up and program of the lighting elements?

the display I bought from ebay comes with a remote which allows for programming in, there's space for 4 different programs at about 150 characters each if I remember correctly.

12V Red Car LED Message Sign Scrolling Display Board Programmable with Remote | eBay

It's very simple to take apart & change over the power source, bending the display is a bit scary though, the bracket I made to hold it in the curve is 19cm, that's about as much as I felt comfortable bending it before it felt like it would snap in two

Edit: the listing actually says 9 programs at 250 characters. To add to the effect I added in a bunch of symbols and things to the programs, it works very well despite not being one of the high end displays people put together
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I love when Thomas builds use really basic bases such as a motorcycle helmet and turn it into a robot helmet! Nice work
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