Hand painted details? Nice! Did you do the back of the helmet?
Even without the ears, it already looks better than the MRCE.
Nicely done. Take your time trimming the ears.
Why in the hell did you clear coat it?
Not one piece of original armor had clear coat. IN fact most people try to dull the shine down.
You may have to let it cure. Wet sand and re-paint.
Sorry bud. It was looking pretty good too!
i clear coated it because it was a styrene helmet with gloss white spray but the white spray isnt vary shiny so i clear coated it in gloss. i did the same thing with my whole armor and this never happend. i guess ill be posting a WTB in the junkyard pretty soon as i dont see me being able to fix this
? Just light sand it back down and repaint. Its not like the structural integrity of the helmet is messed up.
Should be that tough of a fix
Let it cure.
Wet sand.
Have you ever even seen the original paintjobs up close bud? :confused
Do not clear coat it. The originals WERE styrene. Spray painted or in some cases probably painted with housepaint and a brush. :lol If you are going to have an accurate bucket... paint it accurately. You were almost there!!! :sleep
thanks, i didnt know the origionals were styrene. i have seen the paintjobs though and some of them do look pretty rough:lol
ill wait till tomorrow and try to wet sand it. hopefully it works and im just overly pestamistic about it right now because this is the 2nd helmet ive f'd up in the past 2 weeks(the other being my master cheif helmet that i tried the silicone cauk mold method and it failed catastropicly) so im pretty bumed right now.
and sorry for all the misspelling, im not the best at it:lol
Actually they weren't styrene. I don't even know why I said that. I meant to say they were painted like this. No clear coat.
WAIT for the paint to CURE. It may take a week or so!
THEN WET sand it with FINE sand paper. THEN re-paint. And leave the clear coat OUT of the operation! :lol
ok thanks for the advice. i really apreciate it. ive just been freaking out over it. im pretty good at wet sanding as i had to do it to my entire car when i was getting it ready to paint. i guess if nothing else, thisll give me some more time to work on my halo helmet and the rest of that armor.
And sorry to seem as I am yelling at you. But I Couldn't reach through the screen and slap you to calm you down! :lol
I know that a fudge up on something like this can make you freak out! Point is you WERE freaking out and about to cause more and more damage!
When you wait it out it will amaze you how different the properties of the surface paint change. And sanding will be no prob!
Really take a look at the link I posted. Look at all the bumps and paint drips. Notice that your helmet was already WAY shinier than what was seen on screen. You may end up wanting to dull down your armor and weather it a bit too.
I Know it is always the first impulse to get it "emporer is comming for a visit" shiney! :lol But the more you have it and see pics of yourself and compare to screen grabs... you WILL get bitten by the accuracy bug and want to tweak and tweak.
This time letting it cure and resanding while studying some pics may turn out a lot better than your first attempt. I would honestly count on it!
Again, like Tim said, it isn't damaged beyond repair. :thumbsup
And for future reference. NEVER clear coat ANYTHING when the paint is hours old!!! :eek if you WERE going to hit it with some clear you really would have wanted to wait a week or so before doing it! (again you have to let it cure!)
Listen to OldKen. Put the helmet down and step away!
You have to let it dry completely. Put it somewhere and leave it. You can fix it if you will just stop messing around with it.
I may be wrong, but if you let it dry out you might be able to use oven cleaner to strip the paint off. But let someone else verify that. I've seen it done with styrene models.